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Business School Professors Anne York and Brian Routh Faculty Spotlight

Assistant Professor of Accounting Brian Routh had an article, “Revenue Management at the U.S. Commercial Banks During the Pandemic,” accepted for publication in Management Accounting Quarterly.  This study reviewed if bank portfolios changed during the pandemic, if banks discussed routine adjustments to loan product mix in loan footnotes, and if banks discussed the effects of COVID-19 on product mix as an indication of revenue management by the banks. Routh and his co-author found banks showed a revenue management focus even through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professor of Economics Anne York was interviewed for a  about rising housing and rental prices in the Raleigh area. The story was published on May 19.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
