
Liza Bunce

Senior Web Developer and Designer


327 Johnson Hall

(919) 760-8797

StrongPoints® Strengths: Restorative, Developer, Includer, Empathy, Individualization


Liza Bunce is the Senior Web Developer and Designer for Meredith. In this role, Bunce collaborates with the director of web development on creating new and innovative website designs, replatforming, and conducting ongoing website maintenance. Key projects that have benefited from her expertise include a digital redesign of Meredith Magazine, the art gallery website, and enhanced website accessibility.

Prior to joining Meredith in 2020, Bunce interned at an aquarium in South Africa and a world-renowned pharmaceuticals company in RTP, and completed the Disney College Program.

Academic Credentials

M.A. Interactive Media – Elon University, 2020
B.S. Zoology, Minors in International Studies and German – NC State University, 2018


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1st Floor Park Center
(919) 760-8898
(919) 760-8164